27. MAY 2024

HIRSCH Servo Group and BC Regionalwärme Group: Joint step towards sustainable biomass steam generation in Glanegg

The Austrian HIRSCH Servo Group, leading supplier of sustainable EPS* insulation, packaging and technology solutions in Europe, is continuing on its course towards a CO2-neutral future. In cooperation with the BC Regionalwärme Group, HIRSCH will switch its steam generation at its headquarters in Glanegg from natural gas to biomass.

The current steam generation plant, which is required for foaming (expanding) the raw material polystyrene (EPS consists of 98% air), is based on a 7 MW natural gas boiler and is also used to heat the buildings at the company site in Glanegg. A sustainable energy supply strategy is being pursued in line with the CO2-neutral orientation and the objectives of the Green Deal.

For this reason, the decision was made to build a biomass heating plant and to establish BC Regionalwärme Glanegg GmbH, which is 51% owned by the BC Regionalwärme Group and 49% by the HIRSCH Servo Group. A steam supply agreement between the two groups of companies ensures the long-term supply of steam. The biomass boiler with an output of 3 MW will cover 70% of the previous natural gas consumption and thus enable a saving of 5,000 tonnes of CO2 per year.

The investment sum for the project is in the high single-digit millions. The annual steam supply volume will be around 18,000 MWh, with an additional 1,500 MWh of heat being provided for the municipality of Glanegg. The switch to efficient and environmentally friendly district heating also contributes to regional value creation. The use of HIRSCH’s own PV electricity can be optimised to supply the biomass plant and further contribute to sustainability. Construction is due to start next autumn and commissioning is planned for the end of 2025. The site of the future biomass plant is located directly next to the HIRSCH premises.

HIRSCH Servo CEO Harald Kogler and BC Regionalwärme Managing Director Johann Hafner said in unison: “We are delighted to be making a significant contribution to climate protection with this pioneering project and are thus sending a clear signal for a sustainable future.”

*EPS = expandable polystyrene, better known under the brand names Porozell or Styropor