HIRSCH awarded as Best Managed Company

With great pride and gratitude, we received the Austria’s Best Managed Companies Award 2021.
Best Managed Companies is an international programme that honours the best managed companies each year. Through a challenging evaluation process, nominated companies are analysed for excellence in the following four core areas of the BMC evaluation framework: Strategy, Productivity & Innovation, Culture & Commitment, and Governance & Finance. A company is only awarded Best Managed Company if it can demonstrate high quality and performance in all four areas. And we have achieved that!
HIRSCH Servo CEO Harald Kogler is very pleased about this: “Receiving the Austria’s Best Managed Companies Award is an acknowledgement for the HIRSCH Servo Group of our work over the past years and a further incentive to take on entrepreneurial responsibility with courageous and future-oriented decisions as well as to want to shape and lead the way as a market leader.”