ESG & Sustainable Values

Our heart beats for ESG

We truly believe that acting sustainably is more than just an obligation

For us at the HIRSCH Servo Group, it means passionately setting the course for a better future. For us, this set of values is the basis for long-term success and prosperity. Our commitment to sustainability and our deep commitment to ecology, social issues and the economy are at the heart of our philosophy.

We are fully committed to creating a more sustainable and fairer world. Be inspired by our efforts and discover how we work every day to make the world a better place. And we have been doing so for many years.

The key to a greener world

We set a green example – and always have done

Our comprehensive ESG initiatives have their roots in the HIRSCH:REuse initiative, which we launched many years ago. Even back then, our aim was to place social and environmental issues at the focus of our business activities.

With REspect, we point to our social responsibility and the creation of family-friendly working conditions. With REduce, we are committed to the economical use of resources and the reduction of fossil fuels. And in REcycle, the central topic is the recycling of our materials and the preservation of the closed material loop. These three principles – REspect, REduce and REcycle – form the basis of our sustainable business practices and show that our heart has always beaten for sustainability.


More about our activities